英语童谣大全100首 有没有关于四季的英语儿歌?

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《四季歌》歌词:一年有四季 春夏秋冬要分清spring spring 春天到 百花开 鸟儿叫summer summer 夏天到 烈日炎炎当头照autumn autumn 秋天到 红红的苹果点头笑winter winter 冬天到 北风吹来雪花飘warm 温暖 春天天气暖洋洋hot 炎热 夏天天气真炎热cool 凉爽 秋天天气多凉爽cold 寒冷 冬天天气冷又寒春天 spring warm 温暖夏天 summer hot 炎热秋天 autumn cool 凉爽冬天 winter cold 寒冷


one day
five hundred mile
little girl
lemon tree


ABC DEF G HIJKLMN OPQRSTUV W XYZ, You see,I can say my ABC.这首26个字母英文歌,从小就会唱,虽说现在的版本特别多,但我还是喜欢这个。


Ten green bottles
en green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Ten green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be nine green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Nine green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Nine green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle。
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be eight green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Eight green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Eight green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall。
There#39ll be seven green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Seven green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Seven green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be six green bottles Hanging on the wall。
Six green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Six green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle。
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be five green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Five green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Five green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be four green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Four green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Four green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be three green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Three green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Three green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be two bottles Hanging on the wall,
Two green bottles Hanging on the wall,
Two green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be one bottles Hanging on the wall,
One green bottles Hanging on the wall,
One green bottles Hanging on the wall,
And if that green bottle,
Should accidentally fall,
There#39ll be no bottles Hanging on the wall。