thetyrant详细攻略 沉睡魔咒十句经典台词英汉互译?

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你可真丑,我都替你感到难过,You can be really ugly, I feel sorry for you。
 她的名字叫做玛琳菲森而是被一个既是英雄又是暴君的人统一了,Her name is Malin ludwigs but is both a hero and a tyrant who unified
女巫:我出来你会害怕。公主说“我不害怕”Witch: I come out you will be afraid of. The princess said, I am not afraid
这个世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么。This world is not because you can do, but what you should do.
要不被事物的形体迷惑,这样才能真正的认识敌人 。Or was the shape of things to confuse, so as to truly know the enemy
 除了薇薇安之外,找不到另外一个孩子喜欢我,不害怕我的犄角、眼睛和爪子,所以只能是她了。In addition to Vivian, couldnt find another boy like me, not afraid of my eyes and horns,claws, so can only be her.
I revoke my curse, let it be no more! 我取消我的诅咒,让它不再有!
小怪物The small monster
或者暴君统一The unity or tyrant
Marlene Fassen: Dear Aurora, you have emptied my heart, but I now speak never lostyou.