wrap me in plastic用中文怎么唱 wrapmein歌词分段?

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wrap me in plastic用中文怎么唱



Stanfill/Johannes-Chane Becker/Marcus Layton
Composed by:Daniel France Stanfill/Johannes-Chane Becker/Marcus Layton
Its my first night out with you
Treat me right and buy me shoes
Let me be your fantasy play with me
I wanna be your girl
Wanna be your girl wanna be your
Just give me some time
Ill be ready
Do my make-up
Bathe in my perfume
Quick shower
Wont take too long
Ill be done just sing this song
So wrap me in plastic
And make me shine
We can make a dollhouse
Follow your design
Lets build a dog
Out of sticks and twine
I can call you master
You can call me mine
Wrap me in plastic
And make me shine
We can make a dollhouse
Follow your design
Lets build a dog
Out of sticks and twine
I can call you master
You can call me mine
Wrap me in plastic

wrap me in plastic是什么的电影里的?

wrap me in plastic电影是爱丽丝梦游仙境

plastic shrink wrap什么意思?

plasticshrinkwrap的中文翻译   plasticshrinkwrap   塑料收缩包装